May 2019 Minutes (click to view)
The MAY 2019 General Membership meeting of Local Union 1200 was called to order at 8:01 pm on WED, May 1, at Annapolis Junction, Md. The meeting was called to order by President Danielle Flanagan.
A roll-call of the Officers and Members was made and the following were in attendance:
A roll-call of the Officers and Members was made and the following were in attendance:
Click here to download the complete document for the May Minutes.
April 2019 Minutes (click to view)
- TREASURER. A general report of deposits and expenses was given
- A motion was made by Sean Smith and seconded by Fred Slade to accept the treasurer’s report the motion passed
- BUSINESS MANAGER/FINANCIAL SECRETARY REPORT: Business Manager Ken Brown provided hisreport to the board: (There is no approval of this report).
- ACCIDENT/SICKNESS: The members would like to extend its condolences to the family of Toni Hoover her mother passed
New Business:
- A statement was read from VP Neil Grasso and E-board member Greg Shaffir regarding Member Adrian Kill – Action: pending
- A motion was made by Ted Spiegler and seconded by Sean Smith to withdrew funds for a 12 month CD – Action: passed
- Additional members were signed up for the technical committee created 2 months ago. – Action: passed
- Discussion was held on ideas for a lapel pin design – Action: none
- Other private matters – Action: pending
March 2019 Minutes (click to view)
- We will form a technical committee to keel LU1200 abreast of advancements in our industry
- Sending a representative to NAB
- New pins for local’s anniversary
- Since the bills are now being paid on time – the local’s accounts are moving in the right direction
- Negative information/false does not have a place in our union if it does not serve a purpose
- Contracts up for evaluation
February 2019 Minutes (click to view)
- There is a WETA shop meeting on 2-20-2019
- LU 1200 is “entertaining” the possibility of Skyping some of the meetings for those who are not able to attend- but we encourage people to come out when they can. We will not discuss financial aspects and having members to come out twice a month is…………….problematic.
- Negotiating talks continue with IBEW/TEGNA – Shop Stewards of WUSA will schedule a meeting with members to discuss progress and management’s behavior.
- LU 1200 is looking into having a picnic at Smokey Glenn Farms and/or an outing at Fun Fit in Maryland
- “In our Hearts” for Mark Finney’s brother and Lenny Rice
- We are still looking for contributors for our “My 2 Cents” for the website
- We are trying to get “designer” pins in time for IBEW1200’s anniversary. Maybe we can have a contest on who can create the best design.
- A clarification was given for “working dues” vs “un-employment dues”
January 2019 Minutes (click to view)
- Negotiation talks with WUSA/Tegna are continuing.
- Any IBEW 1200 member going through tough times can contact the union. We have established a go fund me page in the past for members in need.
- Please contact us if you would like to contribute to “In our thoughts” section of our website.
- IBEW 1200 members are interested in training on new equipment. There will be a point person at a station responsible at determining what equipment the members wish to be trained on.
- Monthly progress reports will start in April. This is an opportunity to keep track of issues at each company. The shop steward should submit a report. Communication is key and Ken is trying to keep the lines of communication open with each company.