CBS News Washington IBEW Local 1200 members: Over the years the IBEW local 1200 technicians at the CBS News Washington Bureau helped cover the Washington moments that have become our national history and America’s memory. And their work is not just in DC! The CBS techs have accompanied Presidents, Vice-Presidents and various cabinet members on their worldwide travels to bring the story home. Presidential Inaugurations and Inaugural Parades, State of the Union Addresses, Presidential News Conferences, Foreign Dignitary visits, White House and Capitol Hill coverage are just some of the things these folks do! It’s never too wet outside, too cold, too hot or a seeming endless assignment that would break any of these folks! These techs have world-class talents and can make just about anything happen!
Local 1200 members are known to work around the clock if necessary and they contribute to every CBS News broadcast over the air and on the internet broadcast CBSN. These dedicated IBEW techs also provide material to all of the CBS affiliates and to the worldwide network of clients that are on just about every continent. If you are watching CBS News program from home and you can pay attention to the content and not be distracted by a technical faux pas it’s because of the hard work and sometimes herculean efforts from these CBS News IBEW 1200 folks.